
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

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Reports are emerging that the Ghanaian government  has sent to parliament a Memorandum of Understanding on defence cooperation with the U.S., seeking to give the Americans space to set up a camp for its military forces.

Local news agencies in the West African country are reporting that cabinet approved the MoU on 8 March and forwarded it to parliament for approval to allow the U.S. forces and their equipment unhindered access into its borders.

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In the reports,  the agreement will see the U.S. military force exempted from paying tax on the equipment to be brought into Ghana.

It will also be given the chance to set up its own telecommunication system, but will also be allowed to use Ghana’s radio spectrum.

“Cabinet at its twenty-eighth meeting held on Thursday, 8th March, 2018, discussed a report presented by the Security Committee of Cabinet on a Memorandum submitted by the Minister of Defence on the above subject,” GhanaWeb quotes a cabinet document to read in part.

“The Memorandum sought Cabinet approval for an Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Ghana on Defence co-operation, the Status of the United States Forces and Access to the Use of Agreed Facilities and Areas in the Republic of Ghana. Cabinet approved the Memorandum and recommend same to Parliament for ratification. I should be grateful if you could take requisite action on the decision by Cabinet,” it added.

The U.S. also has a military base in among other African countries, Eritrea.
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[…] United States is set to ban duty-free treatment of clothing imports from Rwanda because of the African […]


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